CT Clearinghouse

Change the Script

Change the Script


We all know that drugs such as opioids are destroying people’s lives.     

Change the Script aims to connect people who are affected by the crisis: healthcare professionals, treatment professionals, friends and family, and the public. By providing resources, Change the Script, will help rewrite the story about how we deal with this issue.

Visit the links section below to download promotional materials such as brochures, posters, and flyers!

*Connecticut Clearinghouse reserves the right to limit resource quantities to 50 or less.

For information on printing companies for larger quantities, contact us at 1-800-232-4424 or info@ctclearinghouse.org.


  1. Knowledge is power. The more you know about opioids the better. Because you can do more for anyone who is struggling with them.
  2. People crisis need support. People addicted to opioids have a serious medical condition that requires understanding.
  3. Opioid misuse is a medical condition that requires medical solutions. Talk to your doctor openly and honestly. He or she can help with different approaches to managing pain, treatment options, and medical planning. 

Research & Data

  • PubMed

    PubMed comprises more than 20 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Citations may include links to full-text content from PubMed Central and publisher websites.

  • Research Data, Measures & Resources - NIDA

    Links to various NIDA publications, databases, surveillance, prevention & treatment resources, and more.

  • The Researched Abuse, Diversion and Addiction-Related Surveillance (RADARS®) System

    The Researched Abuse, Diversion and Addiction-Related Surveillance (RADARS®) System is a prescription drug abuse, misuse and diversion surveillance system that collects timely product-and geographically-specific data.

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