Curricula & Lesson Plans
- APA Substance Use Disorders Curriculum
For graduate-level educators
- Teachers: Classroom Resources on Drug Effects
From the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)
- The Science of Addiction: Genetics and the Brain
From the University of Utah
- Understanding Substance Use: Educator's Guide
From the Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction
- Guided Self-Management Tools for ADHD: Teens 13-16
From Boston Children's Hospital
- Alcohol and Drug Education
From the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)
- Alcohol Education: Safe and Smart
From Everfi: Bring strategies to prevent teenage drinking to your classroom
Anabolic Steroids / Performance Enhancing Drugs
- AIMS: Anger and Irritability Management Skills
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
- Anger Management for Substance Abuse and Mental Health Clients: Therapist Manual
- Anger Management for Substance Abuse and Mental Health Clients: Workbook
- Gestón de la Ira: Un Manual de Terapia Conductual Cognitiva
Anxiety Disorders
- REBT-Informed Treatment for Anxiety and Depression: Facilitator's Guide
From the Department of Veterans Affairs
- REBT-Informed Treatment for Anxiety and Depression: Patient Workbook
From the Department of Veterans Affairs
Bipolar Disorder
- Bipolar Self-Help Resources
Centre for Clinical Interventions is brought to you by the Department of Health, Western Australia
- Brain Explorer
Resources for educators
- Digital Media and The Brain
From Commonsense Media
- Intro to the Brain
From Columbia University
- What’s In a Brain? More Than Matter!
A lesson plan from Sanford PROMISE
- All IN
From Pacer's National Bullying Prevention Resource Center
- Bullying Awareness Lesson Plan: Grades K-3
From California State University Sacramento
- Cyberbullying, Digital Drama & Hate Speech
From Common Sense Media
- Lesson Plan: Bullying Education Resources
From PBS
- Lesson Plans to Prevent Bias-Based Bullying
From HRC Foundation’s Welcoming Schools
Cannabis (Marijuana)
- Cannabis Awareness & Prevention Toolkit
From Stanford University
- Marijuana: Download the Facts
From Scholastic + NIDA
- Microlearning Toolkit: Cannabis Prevention 101
- Smart Talk: Cannabis Awareness and Prevention Toolkit
From Stanford University
Child Abuse Prevention
- Interactive Learning Modules
From The Children's Bureau Learning and Coordination Center (CBLCC)
- Kindergarten – 3rd Grade Lesson Plans
From Fight Child
Children Affected by Alcohol or Other Drug Use
- Celebrating Families
From the National Association for Children of Addiction (NACOA)
- Karli and Me: Activity Book
A Sesame Street Workshop
Children of Incarcerated Parents
- Caregiver Workshop: Taking Care of Youself
Sesame Workshop
- In My Family Storybook
Sesame Workshop
Dating Violence
- Building Healthy Relationships: A Plug and Play Activity For Youth
- Curriculum: Take a Stand FOR Healthy Teen Relationships
From the National Domestic Violence Hotline
- Blues Program
- Erika's Lighthouse Classroom Education
- Group Interpersonal Therapy for Depression: Manual
World Health Organization, Columbia University
- Nurturing My Mental and Emotional Health
- Peer-Powered Mental Health Curriculum for High Schools
From Active Minds
- Teen Depression Kahoot Quiz
- This is Your Brain on Depression
From Dana Foundation
Faith & Spirituality
- Spiritual Competency Training in Mental Health
EdX, University of Maryland
- Fentanyl & Opioid Awareness & Overdose Prevention
From Stanford University
- Song for Charlie
A Middle School & High School Toolkit
- The Real Deal on Fentanyl Lesson Plans
- Understanding an Overdose and How to Respond to One
Grief / Loss
- Death, Loss, and Grief: Understanding How to Support Children
Better Kid Care, Penn State Extension
- Resilience Curriculum: Resilience in the Face of Grief and Loss
American Academy of Pediatrics - for Pediatric Learners
Harm Reduction
- Safety First: Comprehensive Drug Education and Intervention Lessons
From Stanford Medicine REACH Lab
Health and Wellness
- Mental Health and Nutrition
From edX
- Nutrition and Exercise for Wellness and Recovery: Leader Manual
From the University of Illinois at Chicago, Center on Psychiatric Disability and Co-occuring Medical Conditions
- Nutrition and Exercise for Wellness and Recovery: Participant Guide
From the University of Illinois at Chicago, Center on Psychiatric Disability and Co-occuring Medical Conditions
- Nutrition and Health
From Gaples Institute
- Using Food as a Superpower: Eating Your Way to a Strong Mind and Body
From Gaples Institute
- Wellness Activities: A Guide for Group Leaders
From the Collaborative Support Programs of New Jersey
Hepatitis C
- Hepatitis C Online Course Modules
University of Washington Infectious Diseases Education & Assessment (IDEA) Program
Internet Safety
- 23 Great Lesson Plans for Internet Safety
From Common Sense Media
- Digital Citizenship Curriculum
From Common Sense Media
- FBI Safe Online Surfing
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Questioning (LGBTQ) Individuals
Media Literacy
- Media Monsters Lesson Plan
From The National Association for Media Literacy Education
- News and Media Literacy Resource Center
Common Sense Media
- The News and You: Media Literacy Resources for Afterschool Education
Pulitzer Center
Mental Health
- My Life is Worth Living
Cook Center for Human Connection
- Nurturing My Mental and Emotional Health
- This is Your Brain on Depression
From Dana Foundation
Military and Veteran Issues
- Calmer Life Program for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Anxiety
From the VA: Patient workbooks and provider manuals.
- Living with Purpose: A Guide for Getting More Out of Each Day
From the VA: A self-help workbook and clinician guide for mild to moderate depression.
- Moving Forward: Overcoming Life's Challenges
From the VA: a course to help you address common challenges.
- MyBriefCBT
From the VA: A provider manual and patient workbook focused on different skills for mood and well-being.
Older Adults
- Calmer Life: A CBT-Based Treatment for Anxiety in Older Adults with or without Depression
A workbook from the Department of Veterans Affairs
Opiates / Opioids
- Health and Opioid Prevention Education (HOPE) Curriculum
From Wright State University
- Operation Prevention: The Science of Addiction
From DEA & Discovery Education
- Opioids: What You Need To Know
A lesson plan from the National Institute on Drug Abuse
- Prescription Drug Safety
From Truth Initiative + Everfi
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
- Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for PTSD
From the VA
- PTSD Recovery Program: Therapist Manual
From the VA
- PTSD Recovery Program: Treatment Manual
From the VA
Prescription Drugs
- Prescription Drug Safety
From Truth Initiative + Everfi
- Safety First: Comprehensive Drug Education and Intervention Lessons
From Stanford Medicine REACH Lab
- Drug Prevention and Intervention Toolkit
From Stanford University's REACH Lab
- OJJDP Model Programs Guide
- Selecting Best-Fit Programs and Practices: Guidance for Substance Misuse Prevention Practitioners
- Substance Abuse Prevention (Child & Adolescent) Programs
From the California Evidence-Based Clearinghouse
Problem Gambling
- Sports Wagering Education for Student Athletes
From the NCAA
Smoking Cessation / Quitting Smoking
- A Workbook to Create Your Personal Plan to Overcome Nicotine and Tobacco Dependence
From the University of California San Francisco
- Safety First: Stimulants
From Stanford University
- TRUST: A Protocol Using Empirically-Supported Behavioral Treatments for People with Stimulant Use Disorders
- What You Need to Know About Prescription Stimulants
A lesson plan from the National Institute on Drug Abuse
- Abby's Broken Wand Storybook
A Sesame Workshop
- Grind Culture: Pressures and Self-Care
A lesson plan from Common Sense Media
- KidsHealth in The Classroom: Stress, Grades 6-8
A teacher's guide from The Nemours Foundation / KidsHealth
- Manage Stress Workbook
From the Department of Veterans Affairs
- Stress and Health: A Six Lesson Unit Plan for High School Psychology Teachers
From the APA
- STRESS LESS: Relaxation Enhancement Group Therapist Manual
From the Department of Veterans Affairs
- Stressed Out Activities
A lesson plan from the National Institute on Drug Abuse
Suicide Prevention
Teenage Pregnancy Prevention
Tobacco / Nicotine
- How Nicotine Affects the Teen Brain
A lesson plan from the National Institute on Drug Abuse
- Tobacco Prevention Toolkit
Hands-on activities from Stanford Medicine
Underage Drinking
- CATCH My Breath Vaping Prevention Curriculum
This peer-led teaching approach empowers students with the knowledge and skills needed to make informed decisions about e-cigarettes and resist social pressures to vape. The curriculum is free to US Educators, however, some components include a fee.
- E-Cigarette and Vaping Curriculum
This curriculum from the American Academy of Pediatrics focuses on addressing youth E-cigarette prevention and cessation based on current evidence and best practices.
- Vaping Prevention and Education: Resources for Talking with Students
Science-based, standards-mapped classroom resources created by the FDA Center for Tobacco Products to prevent vaping among middle and high school students. These cross-curricular vaping prevention resources include lesson plans, activities, infographics, and videos that help teens learn about the dangers of e-cigarette use. These resources can be used to start an open dialogue with students about vaping nicotine and help encourage a lifetime of healthy behaviors.
- Vaping: Know the Truth
The Truth Initiative, in partnership with the American Heart Association and Kaiser Permanente, developed this curriculum to educate students about the health dangers of e-cigarette use.
- You and Me, Together Vape-Free (Elementary, Middle, & High School)
This curriculum from Stanford Medicine includes 6 lessons, each providing activities, online quiz games, and worksheets in addition to presentations, resources, and other materials aimed at addressing key factors associated with youth e-cigarette use, including changing adolescents’ attitudes towards and misperceptions about e-cigarettes; increasing their refusal skills to pulls of flavors, marketing, and social media; reducing stress and depression which have been linked to e-cigarette initiation and use; improving coping; and decreasing intentions and actual use of all e-cigarette products.
Workplace Mental Health
- Industrial and Organizational Psychology
A 4-lesson unit plan for high school psychology teachers, developed by the Teachers of Psychology in Secondary Schools (TOPSS) of the American Psychological Association (APA).