Fatherhood Initiative
The National Fatherhood Initiative was founded in 1994 to improve the well-being of children by increasing the number of children with involved, responsible and committed fathers.
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The Fatherhood Initiative in CT
The goal of the Fatherhood Initiative of Connecticut is to promote positive involvement and interaction of fathers with their children. The Connecticut initiative, led by the Connecticut Department of Social Services, places an emphasis on children who are eligible for, or formerly eligible for services funded by the temporary assistance for needy families block grant.
In addition, the Fatherhood Initiative of Connecticut seeks to identify services that encourage and enhance responsible and skillful parenting, along with those services that increase the ability of fathers to meet the financial and medical needs of their children including employment and child support enforcement measures.
Source: National Fatherhood Initiative and Fatherhood Initiative of Connecticut
Fact Sheets
- Child Welfare Information Gateway Podcast: Engaging Fathers Putting Lessons into Practice, Part 1
- Child Welfare Information Gateway Podcast: Engaging Fathers Putting Lessons into Practice, Part 2
- Child Welfare Information Gateway Podcast: Engaging Fathers Putting Lessons into Practice, Part 3
- Social Work Talks: Empowering Men To Be Better Fathers (NASW)
- Black Dads Matter—Engaging Black Fathers in Early Childhood Home Visiting (Yale Child Study Center Grand Rounds)
- Dads and Mental Health Matter! (National Responsible Fatherhood Clearinghouse)
Man in the Mirror: Fathers Share Mental and Behavioral Health Challenges and How They Addressed Them (National Responsible Fatherhood Clearinghouse)