Health and Wellness
Each person’s “healthiest self” is different. We have different bodies, minds, living situations, and people influencing our lives. Each area can impact one's overall health. Explore these wellness toolkits created by the National Institutes of Health, to improve well-being.
Fact Sheets
Research & Statistics
- Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System - CT Department of Public Health
Reports & publications from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System include: Adverse Childhood Experiences in CT, Behavioral health risks in specific districts, smoking data, and more.
- CDC Health Disparities & Inequalities Report
- Connecticut School Health Survey Comprised of the Youth Tobacco Component, and the Youth Risk Behavior Componant, this is a school-based survey of students in grades 6-12. The Youth Risk Behavior Survey measured behaviors such as: unintentional injury and violence; tobacco use; alcohol and other drug use; sexual behaviors that result in HIV infection, other sexually transmitted diseases and unintended pregnancies; dietary behaviors; and physical activity. The Youth Tobacco Survey was administered to a sample of middle and high school students. Students were asked about their use of different forms of tobacco, including: cigarettes, smokeless tobacco, cigars, pipes and bidis.
- CT 211 Counts
Data for Connecticut 211 calls listed by category - including Healthcare, Mental Health and Addictions, Housing & Shelter, and more.
- CT Department of Public Health - Statistics & ResearchAn A-Z list list of topics with epidemiologic profiles, statistics, and more.
- DataHaven: The Information Hub of South Central Connecticut This interactive, web-based resource allows users access to data on the South Central Connecticut region. The site contains over 400 community indicators, as well as reports and community planning documents.
- Health of Asian or Pacific Islander Population - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Health of Black or African American non-Hispanic Population - Centers for Disease Control & Prevention
- Health of Hispanic or Latino Population - Centers for Disease Control & Prevention
- PubMed
PubMed comprises more than 20 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Citations may include links to full-text content from PubMed Central and publisher web sites.
- The Connecticut School Health Survey
- United Way of Connecticut Reports
Includes reports and statistics, as well as top service requests. Includes statewide, regional, and town-level data.