Teenage Pregnancy Prevention
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), teenage birth rates have decreased significantly in the United States. However, disparities still remain. Pregnant and parenting teenagers face significant health and socioeconomic burdens.
Pregnant teenagers are at higher risk for health problems including:
- Pregnancy-related high blood pressure
- Premature birth
- Having babies with a low birth weight
Socioeconomic problems that pregnant or parenting teenagers face include:
- Lower likelihood of finishing high school
- Lower likelihood to earn a good living
- Dependence on public assistance
Children of teenage parents also are at risk of having cognitive and behavioral problems.
Pregnancy Prevention Works
The good news is that teenage pregnancy prevention works. According to the CDC, evidence-based teen pregnancy prevention programs “typically address specific protective factors on the basis of knowledge, skills, beliefs, or attitudes related to teen pregnancy.” The CDC also recognizes that parents and trusted adults play an important role in helping teens—male and female—make healthy, responsible choices about relationships, sex, and contraception. Finally, access to teen-friendly health services is an important part of prevention.
Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the Administration for Children and Families.
Research & Data
- KIDS COUNT - Connecticut data
The Kids Count Data Book includes data on Teen Births in Connecticut.
- Reproductive Health: Teen Pregnancy (CDC)
Links to data resources, including Vital Signs, as well as resources for parents, teens, and healthcare providers.
- Trends in Teen Pregnancy and Childbearing - Office of Population Affairs