- Clinical Center Grand Rounds: Genetics and Epigenetics of Alcohol Use Disorder (NIAAA)
NIAAA and ITGA Webinar: The Updated College Alcohol Intervention Matrix -- CollegeAIM - NIAAA Webinar Series: Harnessing Technology and Social Media to Address Alcohol Misuse in Adolescents and Emerging Adults
Research Into Action Webinar: The Evolving Alcohol Market: Tools for Coalition Advocacy (CADCA) The 7-Year Effectiveness of School-Based Alcohol Use Prevention from Adolescence to Early Adulthood (CADCA) - Treatment of Alcohol Use Disorder (ASAM)
- What is Harm Reduction for Alcohol? (NAADAC)
- Women Are Different Webinar Series (ATTC)
Alcohol and Pregnancy
Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD)
- Genetics and Epigenetics of Alcohol Use Disorder (Clinical Center Grand Rounds)
- Medications for Alcohol Use Disorder: New Efforts to Address Barriers and Increase Access (Addiction Medicine Grand Rounds)
- The Healthcare Professional's Core Resource on Alcohol (NIAAA)
The Updated College Alcohol Intervention Matrix -- CollegeAIM (NIAAA and ITGA Webinar) - Treatment of Alcohol Use Disorder (ASAM)
- What is Harm Reduction for Alcohol? (NAADAC)
- Women Are Different Webinar Series (ATTC)
Anabolic Steroids / Performance Enhancing Drugs
- Appearance and Performance Enhancing Drugs and Substances (NFHS Learning Center)
Performance-Enhancing Drugs | National Fellow Online Lecture Series (American Medical Society for Sports Medicine)
Anxiety Disorders
- Anxiety in Kids and Teens 101 (McLean Hospital)
- Anxiety in the Transition to Adulthood (Assocation for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies)
- Is There a Future for Precision Mental Health Care for Anxiety Disorders in Children? (Yale)
- Neuroscience-Informed Treatments for Anxiety and Depression (University of California San Francisco Department of Psychiatry Grand Rounds)
Reading, Writing and Resilience: Addressing Back to School Anxiety (American Academy of Pediatrics)
Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar Disorder In Adults (NIMH) Pediatric Bipolar Disorder: Challenges and Updates (Mass General Hospital) Virtual Grand Rounds: Bipolar Disorder Comorbid Conditions (Silver Hill Hospital)
- Addressing Social Determinants to Optimize Infant Brain Development (UCFS Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences)
The Impact of Substance Use on the Developing Adolescent Brain (NORC – University of Chicago) The Stages of Adolescent Brain Development With UCLA's Adriana Galvan, Ph.D. (Annie E. Casey Foundation)
- Bullying Prevention Through Empathy Webinar (South Southwest MHTTC)
Communities of Courage (National School Climate Center) - Cyberstalking and Cyberbullying Among Teens (Office for Victims of Crime)
K12 Bullying Prevention Webinar Series: Cyberbullying 101 - Lessons from the Field: Preventing and Intervening in Identity-Based Bullying (Best Practices Clearinghouse)
- Promising Strategies to Prevent Student Harassment and Bullying Behavior (Center for Safe Supportive Learning Environments)
Cannabis (Marijuana)
- Cannabis Webinar Series: The Green Adolescent Brain (ATTC)
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Cannabis Use Disorders: Latest Evidence, Treatment and Ethical Considerations (Association for Cognitive and Behavioral Therapies)
- Lessons from the Field Webinar: Understanding and Preventing Student Marijuana Use (National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments)
- Preventing Underage Cannabis Use: Risk/Protective Factors & Effective Communication (PTTC)
Research Into Action Webinar: Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol, Cannabis, and Delta-8 THC (CADCA) - Teens and Marijuana: New Realities and Risks (Let's Talk, Hazelden)
The Effects of Cannabis on Psychosis | Provider Training Series: Dr. Deepak Cyril D'Souza (MindMapCT) Understanding Safety and Risk Concerns for Infants, Children, & Adolescents When Parents Use Cannabis (Administration for Children and Families)
Child Abuse Prevention
- Child Physical Abuse Webinars (National Child Traumatic Stress Network)
- Child Sexual Abuse Webinars (National Child Traumatic Stress Network)
- How Educators Play a Role in Preventing ACES (CDC)
Preventing Adverse Childhood Experiences & Promoting Positive Childhood Experiences (Administration for Children and Families) Preventing Adverse Childhood Experiences: Creating Safe and Nurturing Environments (Annie E Casey Foundation) Risk and Safety Assessment 101 (Administration for Children and Families)
Children Affected by Alcohol or Other Drug Use
Exploring Emotions for Kids of All Ages: An Inside Out Perspective (NACOA) Groupwork with COAs: Challenges and Opportunities (NACOA) - National Alliance for Drug Endangered Children Online Training Courses
- Parental Addiction: Healing Families Together Webinar, Part 2
- The Child's Voice: How Parental Addiction Affects Young Children Webinar, Part 1
- Yale Child Study Center Grand Rounds: Addiction, Adversity and Attachment — Supporting Families Impacted by Parental Substance Use
Children of Incarcerated Parents
Keeping Families Connected: Supporting Parenting in the Context of Incarceration (The Children's Bureau Learning and Coordination Center - CBLCC) Supporting Children of Incarcerated Parents: School and School-Based Mental Health Collaboration (CSG Justice Center)
Co-Occurring Disorders
- Co-Occurring Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Training (Central East ATTC)
Co-Occurring Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders (National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors) - Dr. R. Kathryn McHugh Examines Anxiety and Addiction (McLean Hospital Grand Rounds)
- Posttraumatic Stress and Substance Use Disorder Comorbidity (VA)
Substance Use Disorders and Co-Occurring Disorders (FSU School of Social Work) - Substance Use Disorders and Suicide: Addressing a Co-occurring Epidemic (NAADAC)
Gender Differences and Stimulant Use (ATTC Network) Polysubstance Use Among Stimulant Users (ATTC Network) Stimulant Use Among African Americans (ATTC Network)
Cultural Competence
Cultural Inclusion in Therapeutic Behavioral Health Process: Stories of Healing (SAMHSA) - Health Disparities in Substance Use Disorder (ASAM)
- Improving Cultural Competency for Behavioral Health Professionals (Think Cultural Health)
- NAADAC Cultural Humilty Webinar Series
Racism is an Addiction. Racism is Trauma. How Do We Use Existing Skills & Knowledge to Drive Equity? (SAMHSA's African American Behavioral Health Center of Excellence) - Setting the Stage: Racism in the History of Substance Use and Addiction (ASAM)
- Start with Hope: How Providers Can Navigate Culturally Responsive Substance Use Treatment and Care (National Council for Mental Wellbeing)
- Who Gets Left Out? Racial Inequities in Mental Health Diagnosis and Treatment (SAMHSA's African American Behavioral Health Center of Excellence)
Dating Violence
- Child Mental Health: Fostering Wellness in Children (Yale)
Mental Health and Older Adults Q&A (National Institute on Aging) - Rumination-Focused CBT for Depression and Anxiety (Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies)
- Treatment-Resistant Depression – Recognition and Treatment (McLean Hospital)
Developmental Assets
Introducing the Resilience Tree (Center for Community Resiliene - GWU) Nurturing the Spirit of Children in a Challenging World (Search Institute) - Preventing Adverse Childhood Experiences Training Modules (CDC Veto Violence)
State of Assets Webinar (Search Institute) - The Risk and Protective Factor Framework - Session 1 Risk Factors (Prevention Technology Transfer Center)
- The Risk and Protective Factor Framework - Session 2: Protective Factors (PTTC)
- The Risk and Protective Factor Framework - Session 3: Measuring Risk and Protective Factors for Your Community (PTTC)
Disaster and Trauma
- Building Workforce Resilience through the Practice of Psychological First Aid: A Course for Leaders and Teams (
- Handling Emergencies with Andrew Roszak (Sesame Workshop)
- Mental Health Impacts of Climate Change: An Overview (Northwest MHTTC)
- Preventing and Addressing School Violence including Gun Violence Miniseries (National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments)
- Promising Practices in Disaster Behavioral Health Planning (SAMHSA DTAC)
- Shield of Resilience Training Course (SAMHSA)
Protecting Your Children During Separation and Divorce (NYU Child Study Center)
Domestic Violence
- Clergy Response to Domestic Violence Survivors: How To Engage and Train Faith Leaders (Office for Victims of Crime)
- Creating and Sustaining Financial Well Being (National Domestic Violence Hotline)
- Effective Treatment for Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence
- National Resource Center on Domestic Violence Training Institute
- Reimagining Our Community Responses to Intimate Partner Violence (Office for Victims of Crime)
- Why Aren't Abusers Held More Accountable? Flipping the Script (National Domestic Violence Hotline)
Eating Disorders
Disordered Eating: An Innovative Approach within the IOL (Hartford Healthcare, Institute of Living) - Effectively Diagnosing and Treating Eating Disorders (McLean Hospital)
- National Center of Excellence for Eating Disorders On-Demand Webinars
- National Eating Disorders Association Webinars
Silver Hill Hospital Grand Rounds: Disordered Eating - Silver Hill Hospital Grand Rounds: New Thoughts About Anorexia Nervosa and Its Treatment
Faith & Spirituality
- Religion, Spirituality and Mental Health: Research and Clinical Applications (McLean Hospital Grand Rounds)
- Rise in Recovery: The Science of Addiction and Spirituality of Healing (NAADAC)
Spiritual Competency Training in Mental Health (Duke University Medical Center) - Spiritual Transformations in Conjunction with Non-12 Step Mutual Aid Group Attendance (NAADAC)
- Webinar: Uncanny Coincidences and Telepathic Dreams: On the Use of Spirituality, Intuition and Synchronicity in Clinical Practice (Clinical Grand Rounds - SIlver Hill Hospital)
Fatherhood Initiative
- Black Dads Matter—Engaging Black Fathers in Early Childhood Home Visiting (Yale Child Study Center Grand Rounds)
Dads and Mental Health Matter! (National Responsible Fatherhood Clearinghouse) Man in the Mirror: Fathers Share Mental and Behavioral Health Challenges and How They Addressed Them (National Responsible Fatherhood Clearinghouse)
- Addiction Medicine Grand Rounds: Fentanyl Futures—Dynamics in Supply, Use Patterns and Consequences (Yale Program in Addiction Medicine)
Communities Talk About: Preventing Fentanyl Use by Youth and Young Adults Webinar (SAMHSA) Emerging Drug Trends and the Effects on Safety and Risk to Children and Parents (Administration for Children and Families) - Lessons from the Field Webinar, Part 1: Knowing the Facts About Fentanyl (Best Practices Clearinghouse)
- Lessons from the Field Webinar, Part 2: Preventing and Addressing Fentanyl Use (National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments)
- Opioids, Fentanyl, and Xylazine: What Are They and What Do Prevention Professionals Need to Know & Do to Prevent Overdose? (Northwest PTTC)
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders / Prenatal Alcohol Exposure
- FASD Primer for Healthcare Professionals
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder: Bending the Trajectory (Administration for Children and Families) - Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders: Recognition and Management
Grief / Loss
Grief and Substance Use-Related Deaths (Uniformed Services University) - Managing Grief and Loss (McLean Hospital)
Supporting Children and Youth Dealing with the Loss of a Parent or Caregiver (The Children's Bureau Learning and Coordination Center - CBLCC) Treating Prolonged Grief Disorder (Columbia Psychiatry)
Harm Reduction
Health and Wellness
From Loneliness to Social Connection: Lessons From Research and a Global Pandemic (NIH Office of Behavioral and Social Science Research) - Good Nights, Better Days—Sleep’s Relationship to Mental Health (McLean Hospital)
Nutritional Impact of SUD on the Body & How to Eat a Well-balanced Diet to Help Recovery (Root Center for Advanced Recovery) Prescribing Exercise for Mood and Anxiety Related Problems (ADAA) - Understanding the Link Between Physical and Mental Health (McLean Hospital)
Hepatitis C
Harm Reduction Approaches for the Prevention of HCV Transmission via Injection Drug Use (Hepatitis C Online) Learning Thursdays: Hepatitis C and Substance Use: Addressing Screening, Treatment, and Stigma (OASAS)
Internet Safety
Getting Social Savvy – Helping Youth Navigate Social Media (Administration for Children and Families) - How to Support Youth as They Engage with Social Media (The AAP Center of Excellence on Social Media and Youth Mental Health)
- Youth Mental Health and Social Media: From Posting to Influencing (The AAP Center of Excellence on Social Media and Youth Mental Health)
- Addiction Medicine Grand Rounds: Kratom in Southeast Asia vs. "Kratom" Products in the US
- Can a Controversial Tree Help End the Opioid Crisis? (National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health)
- Clinical Characterization of Kratom: Is It a Craze or Here to Stay? (ASAM)
- Kratom 101 - A Viable Treatment or a Vile Substance? (AACP)
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Questioning (LGBTQ) Individuals
- National LGBTQIA+ Health Education Center: Learning Resources
- National SOGIE Center Trainings
- The Center of Excellence on LGBTQ+ Behavioral Health Equity
- Transforming Trauma in LGBTQ Youth (NCTSN Learning Center)
Understanding Stress and Substance Use among LGBTQ+ Adolescents (South Southwest PTTC)
Maternal Mental Health
After Birth - Navigating the Stress and Anxiety of Pregnancy and Postpartum (ADAA) Building Community Capacity to Support Perinatal Mental Health (The Children's Bureau Learning and Coordination Center - CBLCC) - Postpartum Support International Trainings
Media Literacy
Media Literacy 101 for Substance Misuse Prevention Practitioners (Great Lakes PTTC) Media Literacy and Mental Health (Pulitzer Center)
Medications for Substance Use Disorders
- Buprenorphine Mini Course: Building on Federal Prescribing Guidance (ASAM)
- Medication Management for Stimulant Use Disorder (ASAM/AAAP)
Medication-Assisted Treatment and Common Misconceptions (SAMHSA) - Treatment of OUD Courses (ASAM)
Mental Health
Military and Veteran Issues
- Addiction Treatment in Military & Veteran Culture Certificate (NAADAC)
- Center for Deployment Trauma Trainings
- Child Maltreatment and Domestic Violence in Military and Veteran Families (NCTSN)
Intimate Partner Violence in the Military and Veteran Community (SAMHSA) Invisible Wounds of Service: PTSD, TBI, and Moral Injury (SAMHSA) Problem Gambling Among Service Members & Veterans: Education, Awareness, and Outreach (SAMHSA) - PsycArmor
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Beyond the Stereotypes: Understanding OCD (Mental Health America) Silver Hill Hospital Grand Rounds: Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and Hoarding Disorder
Older Adults
- Emerging Models of Integrated Geriatric Behavioral Health (McLean Hospital)
Silver Hill Hospital Grand Rounds: Evaluation and Management of Late-Life Depression and Older Adult Bipolar Disorder Webinar: Older Adults Behavioral Health Crisis Care (SAMHSA)
Opiates / Opioids
- Opioid Explainer Video Playlist (CT Prevention Training Center)
- Pain Management & Opioids: A Patient-Centered Approach (ASAM)
- PCSS MOUD Case-based Learning Collaboratives Session 1: OUD and Pregnancy (ASAM eLearning)
- PCSS MOUD Case-based Learning Collaboratives Session 2: Hospital Based Approaches to OUD (ASAM eLearning)
- PCSS MOUD Case-based Learning Collaboratives Session 3: OUD in Adolescents and Young Adults (ASAM eLearning)
- PCSS-MOUD Exchange
- The Intersection of DEA, Opioids, and MAT (NAADAC)
- Training Videos for Professionals Who Work with People with Opioid Use Disorder - University of Washington Addictions, Drug & Alcohol Institute
- Training: Talking About Naloxone (CDC)
- Trauma-Informed Care for Opioid Treatment (NAADAC)
- Treatment for Opioid Dependency During Pregnancy (SAMHSA Playlist)
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Invisible Wounds of Service: PTSD, TBI, and Moral Injury (SAMHSA) - National Center for PTSD: Continuing Education
- National Child Traumatic Stress Network: Learning Center
- PTSD | Brain Health & Wellness Learning Series (Psych/Armor)
- Why are We So Confused by Angry, Traumatized Youth? Challenges to Diagnostic and Treatment Specificity in Youth with Complex Trauma (Yale)
Prenatal Substance Exposure
- Addiction Medicine Grand Rounds: Newborns with Prenatal Substance Exposure: Pre- and Post-Natal Care Optimization in the Context of CAPTA/CARA and Future Advocacy Directions
Cannabis Use During Pregnancy and While Breastfeeding: What Have We Learned? (Administration for Children and Families) - Mother & Babies Online Course
- PCSS MOUD Case-based Learning Collaboratives Session 1: OUD and Pregnancy (ASAM eLearning)
Pregnancy and Substance Use Disorder (ASAM Clinical Tips) - PROUD Educational Series
The Management of Care for Pregnant Women with Opioid and Other Substance Use Disorders (SAMHSA) - Treatment for Opioid Dependency During Pregnancy (SAMHSA Playlist)
Prescription Drugs
Preventing the Non-Medical Use of Prescription Drugs in New England (PTTC)
Problem Gambling
Get Together and Get Talking About Recovery (SAMHSA) Recovery On Purpose (SAMHSA) - Recovery Support Specialist Certification and Training (Advocacy Unlimited)
Clinical High Risk for Psychosis Overview (SAMHSA) - MindMapCT Provider Training Series
- Prediction and Prevention of Psychosis in At-Risk Youth (McLean Hospital)
Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT)
Self-Injury / Self-Harm
Sexual Violence & Exploitation
- Best Practices To Respond to Sexual Assault on College and University Campuses (Office for Victims of Crime)
- Connecticut Alliance to End Sexual Violence Webinars
LGBTQ 101: Basics for Supporting LGBTQ+ Survivors (Connecticut Alliance to End Sexual Violence) - Pennsylvania Coalition to Advance Respect (PCAR) and the National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC) eLearning Modules
Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)
- National STD Curriculum for Clinicians (University of Washington)
Webinar: Sexual Health and the Adolescent Male (American Sexual Health Association) Words Matter: Minimizing STI Stigma in Healthcare Settings (American Sexual Health Association)
Smoking Cessation / Quitting Smoking
Smoking Cessation: Past, Present, and Future (CDC)
- Management of Stimulant Use Disorder (ASAM)
- Stimulant Use Current Trends, Impact on the Brain and Body, and Implications for Treatment (IRETA)
- Stimulant Use Disorder Series (ATTC)
- Stimulants: A Focus on Effective Treatment Interventions and Recovery Supports (IRETA)
- Successful Treatment of Methamphetamine Addiction (NAADAC)
- Just Breathe: Why Breathing is So Effective in Reducing Stress and How It Can Serve as a Tool for Influencing Well-Being (Yale School of Medicine)
- Managing Anxiety and Stress in the Workplace and at Home (McLean Hospital)
- National Trauma-Focused Intern Training (T-FIT) for Counseling, Psychology, Social Work, and Other School Mental Health Trainees (National Center for Safe Supportive Schools)
Suicide Prevention
- Adolescent Suicide Prevention (CAMS Care)
- Lessons from the Field: Suicide Prevention: Building Protective Factors to Keep Students Safe (National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments)
- Postvention and Healing After a Patient Suicide (Yale)
- Suicide Risk Management Webinar Series (VA)
VA S.A.V.E Suicide Prevention Training
Teenage Pregnancy Prevention
Underage Drinking
- NIAAA Webinar Series: Harnessing Technology and Social Media to Address Alcohol Misuse in Adolescents and Emerging Adults
- Preventing Underage Alcohol Use, Part 1: Identifying and Understanding the Data
- Preventing Underage Alcohol Use, Part 2: Strategies and Recommendations for the Field of Prevention
- Prevention and Reduction of Underage Drinking
The Impact of Substance Use on the Developing Adolescent Brain
- Lessons from the Field: The Facts About Student Vaping and Approaches to Prevention (National Center on Safe and Supportive Learning Environments)
- Microlearning Toolkit: Vaping Prevention 101 (New England PTTC)
Webinar Wednesday: How to Start a Vaping Education Program and Engage with Local Public Schools (CADCA) - Webinar: E-Cigarettes and Vaping: The Mechanics of Use, Risks to Youth, and Prevention Efforts
Workplace Mental Health
- Behavioral Health and Substance Use Awareness in the Workplace (Mid-America ATTC):
- Research-Backed Methods to Drive Engagement in Mental Health in the Workplace (Right Direction for Me)
- Understanding the Connections Between Workplace Bullying and Burnout Among Victim Advocates (Office for Victims of Crime)
- Well@Work: Nurturing Resilience and Coping with Secondary Traumatic Stress (Administration for Children and Families)
Xylazine ("Tranq")
Beyond the Alerts: Practical Guidance for Responding to Xylazine (NASTAD) Overdoses Involving Xylazine Mixed with Fentanyl (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) - Toxicity of Xylazine and How it Impacts People Who Use Drugs by Dr. Joseph D'Orazio
- Treating Tranq: Practical Lessons from the Epicenter of the Xylazine Crisis (ASAM)
- Wound Care and Xylazine (ATTC Network)